Station 12 grew rapidly from a come from home moderately busy station, to Headquarters of Delaware’s Busiest Fire Company. Station 12 has on average 20 Career/Volunteer personnel in quarters daily and responds to an average 15 fire calls and 30 EMS calls a day, which makes it one of the busiest fire stations in the nation. Station 12 is staffed 24/7 and crews hold daily roll call, complete rig checks, clean together, cook together, train together, workout together, and relax together. Our new station has become a pinacle part of strengthing the Christiana Culture.
Since the year 2000, CFC had been working on and off to develope a final plan and design for the replacement of the over crowded and outdated Station 12. After in depth planning and budgeting through 2015 -2017 the company finally solidified a design and financial plan to see this project through.
The finalized plan was to build a three bay wood frame garage on our property at 17 main street(across from station 12). With the use of temporary construction trailers for living and office space, this was used as the temporary station 12. During this time, the old station 12 and hall were razed and a new facilty was built in its place.

The new facility includes 9 apparatus bays (6 in the front and 3 in the rear), a new antique room, numerous offices, dorms, toilet and shower facilites, a large training room, a 4 story training tower, as well as a large kitchen & TV room. When station 12 was complete, the 17 main street building was coverted to our maintenance shop.
See the attached files and pics below for design drawings.
Constuction of 17 main street was started on the week of 11/18/18.
Construction of the new station 12 was started on the week of 3/1/20.
Operations started at the new Station 12 in March of 2022.