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MVC and Apartment fire - Windmill Village
November 06, 2010
On Thursday November 4th as rush hour was winding down Christiana Fire Company was dispatched to a MVC at Christiana Rd and Chapman Road. Engine 126 and EMS arrived to find one person trapped in a car. The patient was extricated from the car in a few minutes. EMs transported the person to the Christiana Trauma center. Units cleared in 20 minutes.
On Saturday November 6th Ladder 12 was alerted as the extra ladder on the working fire dispatch for a apartment fire in New Castle off Basin Road. The Ladder arrived and was assigned by command to conducted searches on the fire floor and the floor above. The 911 center had reported people trapped in the building. Ladder 12's inside crew forced several doors and searched two floors. The exterior team threw ground ladders and secured utilities. The Ladder cleared after two hours.