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Several Small Fires and MVC with Entrapment - New Castle County
September 24, 2010
On September 17th Minquas of Newport and Christiana were alerted for a MVC on I95 SB at Churchmans Marsh. 126 arrived to find one person trapped in a car. The crew removed three doors and a roof and the patient was transported to the trauma center by NCC EMS and Ambulance 23.
On Sept 21st Engine and Ladder 12 were alerted as the extra Engine and Ladder on a working townhouse fire in Glasgow. Both units arrived and supported crews already in service as Engine 1 (Middletown) had the fire contained. Engine and Ladder 12 cleared in about 20 minutes.
On Sept 22nd Engine 12 was alerted to Main St Newark for a commercial building fire. E9 arrived and found a working fire in the rear of the building. Engine 12 arrived and was not committed long as Aetna crews quickly extinguished the fire. Engine 12 cleared in about 15 minutes.
On September 26th Christiana and area units were alerted to 1200 Vinings Way for a apartment fire. Units arrived to find a sprinkler activation with a fire on the exterior of the building. The area was checked and no extension was found. The assignment was reduced and units remained on the scene for about 90 minutes. There were no injuries and Assistant Chief Lutz had command.
Christiana would like to thank Claymont Fire Company and Brandywine Hundred Fire company for allowing us to use Engine 113 and Engine 135 while our Engines were out of service. Both units ran as 124. Pictured is Engine 135 extinguishing a car fire in Glasgow.