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Assist Aetna on a Working Dwelling Fire - Barksdale Heights

August 22, 2010

August 22nd – At 11:30 AM the Christiana Fire Company was alerted to assist the Aetna Hose Hook and Ladder Company (Stations 7, 8, 9, &10) on a dwelling fire in Barksdale Heights. Rescue Engine 12-6 with a staffing of 5 made the response. Aetna Assist Chief Matt Schmacher (7-8B) arrived on location with a working dwelling fire and requested Fireboard to upgrade the assignment with the working fire dispatch. Upon arrival 12-6 was given orders by 7-8B to split their crew and conduct a search of the dwelling and stretch a back-up attack line. 12-6 operated for 1½ hours before being released.