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MVC With Entrapment Involving a Dump Truck - Porter Road and Wrangle Hill Road
August 12, 2010
August 12th – At 11:10 AM the Christiana Fire Company and New Castle Medic 6 were dispatched to Porter Road and Wrangle Hill Road for a Motor Vehicle Crash (MVC) with Entrapment. Rescue Engines 6-6 and 12-6 responded along with EMS units A-3, B-3 and B-6. 6-6 arrived on location and reported an MVC with entrapment involving a dump truck. The crews from 6-6 and 12-6 stabilized the passenger vehicle, stretched a protective hand line and went in service with their hydraulic rescue tools along with an assortment of hand tools. The roof and three doors were removed to allow access to the driver and to extricate a patient in the rear seat. A dash lift was performed to extricate the driver. Christiana EMS units transported one pediatric trauma alert and one adult trauma code to the Christiana Trauma Center. The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) and Belvedere Fire Company’s Haz-Mat 30 were dispatched because of the large amount of fluids on the roadway. Also assisting at the scene were New Castle County Medics 9, ALS 21 and ALS 25, the Delaware State Police and the Christiana Fire Police. Assistant Chief Dave Lux had the rescue group and Deputy Chief Kevin Cowperthwait had the Christiana Command.