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Multi-Residential Fire - Saddlebrook
July 27, 2010
On July 27th at 0036 Christiana Fire Company, Ladder 28,Engine 32(Wilmington Manor Fire Company) and Engine 23(Minquas of Newport) were dispatched to a multi-residential fire in the Saddlebrook development off Christiana Rd. Engine 126 was first to arrive and had smoke showing from the home. The crew quickly stretched an attack line. They found a room on fire on the second floor. Ladder 28 was next to arrive. They split there crew performing the outside duties and the primary search. Engine 23 arrived next and pumped Engine 126's supply line. Engine 23's crew advanced a backup line to support the primary attack line. The fire was quickly extinguished; the home was ventilated and searched with no findings. Assistant Chief Collins had Command. Assistant Chief Lux was the safety officer. Assistant Chief Lutz was the Engine officer. Crews cleared in about 45 minutes. There were no injuries. The Delaware State fire marshal is investigating the fire.