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MVC with Entrapment - Salem Church Road and Joseph Drive

July 22, 2010

On July 22nd at 3:09 PM the Christiana Fire Company and New Castle County Paramedics were dispatched to Salem Church Road and Joseph Drive in the area of Salem Woods for a Motor Vehicle Crash with entrapment. Rescue Engines 12-6 and 6-6, EMS B-12 and B-6 made the response. Rescue 8, (Aetna HH&L Co.) was on radio and also made the response. Duty Chief Lutz arrived on location and confirmed entrapment. Crews stabilized the vehicle, stretched a protective handline and utilized the hydraulic tools to perform a sidewall removal to gain access to and quickly remove the patient. Also assisting at the scene were the Christiana Fire Police and Delaware State Police. Assistant Chief Matt Lutz had the Christiana command while Firefighter Jack McPartland had the rescue group.