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Basement Fire - Glasgow Pines
July 15, 2010
On July 15th at 12:36 hrs, Christiana and surrounding companies were alerted to Berwick Court in the Glasgow Pines development in Bear for a residential fire. Duty Chief Matt Lutz arrived and found nothing evident from the outside. Upon investigation he found the basement charged with smoke. A RIT company as well as BLS and ALS were added to the assignment. Rescue Engine 126 and Engine 324 (Wilmington Manor Fire Company) arrived at the same time. Engine 32 laid a supply line and stretched an attack line and quickly extinguished the fire. Rescue Engine 126 split into inside and outside teams. The primary search conducted by the inside team was all clear. The outside team opened up and threw ground ladders. The incident was scaled back to 126,324 Engine 155 (Delaware City Fire Company and Ladder 28 (Wilmington Manor Fire Company.) There were no injuries and units cleared in about 45 minutes.