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Multi-Residential Box Alarm at The Elms - Kitchen Fire

July 09, 2010

July 9, 2010 – A Multi-Residential Box Alarm Assignment was dispatched at 6:12 PM for an Apartment fire at the Elms Apartments in the 600 block of Coventry Lane. The assignment brought Christiana’s 12-6, Ladder 12, 6-6 and B3 to the scene. Also responding on the assignment was Aetna’s 8-2, Wilmington Manor’s Duty Engine 32-5 and Minquas’ Rescue 23. Deputy Chief 6 Rich Perillo arrived on location and advised he had a kitchen fire and assumed the Christiana Command. 12-6 took the first arriving engine assignment and laid a supply line into the scene. A 1 ¾ inch attack line was stretched to the 2nd floor apartment confining the fire to the kitchen area. Ladder 12 assumed the 1st due special services assignment laddering and ventilating the building. Crews also performed a primary survey. 6-6 took the second due engine assignment establishing water supply at the hydrant for 12-6. Firefighter Jeff Hurlock was assigned as the Fire Attack Group Leader. Also assisting at the scene were the Christiana Fire Company Fire Police and the New Castle County Paramedics. Units operated for about 1½ hours.