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Serious Motor Vehicle Crash - Reybold Road and Gray Boulevard
June 08, 2010
On Tuesday June 8th, Christiana was alerted to a serious MVC on Reybold Rd
at Gray Blvd. The assignment was upgraded with an additional engine after a report of a car on fire and one person trapped in another car. There were also reports of
people ejected from the car. Units arrived to find the 911 center reports accurate. Engine 126 put water on the car to knock down the heat then the crew focused on the
extrication of the patient trapped. Two paramedic units and several BLS
units were assigned to address the number of patients. Deputy Chief Perrillo
arrived and transferred command from Engine 126's officer. A total of 2
patients were transported. Sadly one person was a fatality. Deputy Chief
Perrillo had unified Command with NCC EMS Senior Lt. Seador, Christiana Captain
Anderson had the extrication group, NCC EMS Sergeant Star-Leach had triage.
Units cleared in about 1½ hours.