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Christiana Fire Company Spring Open House - Delaware State Police Troop 2
May 22, 2010
May 23rd – The Christiana Fire Company in participation with the Delaware State Police and the Aetna Hose Hook and Ladder Company (Newark) hosted its Annual Spring Open House at the Delaware State Police Troop 2 Headquarters at Pulaski Highway and LaGrange Avenue. A fun filled afternoon of demonstrations, displays and activities greeted visitors including the Christiana Fire Company’s smokehouse and two moon bounces. Fire apparatus from Christiana and Aetna were on display. The Delaware State Police displayed its present day and vintage police vehicles and equipment. Christiana Care’s Life Net helicopter landed and provided visitors an up-close view of their equipment. Also on display were the Elsmere and Cranston Heights Hazardous Materials response apparatus. The Delaware State Fire School, the Delaware State Fire Marshal’s Office, the New Castle County Emergency Management Office and the American Red Cross also provided displays. Free hot dogs, sodas and chips were available for the visitors. The Christiana Fire Company Fire Police were present to assist and direct visitors.
The officers and members of the fire company would like to thank the Fire Prevention Committee for their hard work in putting this open house together.