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Two Fires and a MVC - Harbor Club Apts
April 14, 2010
On April 9th Christiana and surrounding companies were alerted for a apartment fire at the Harbor Club apartments in Ogletown.
The initial reports indicated people were trapped in the apartment. Engine 126 arrived and secured a water supply and stretched a attack line to the second floor. The nozzleman encountered three second floor rooms on fire. Engine 93 arrived and stretched a line to the third floor and found rooms on fire with the fire extending to the roof. Interior crews extinguished the fires and protected the means of egress while Ladder 9 (Atena) and Rescue 23 (Minquas) conducted searches on the second and third floor. The search proved negative. Ladder 9 and Rescue 23's outside crews threw ground ladders and ventilated the building. The Delaware State Fire Marshal office have arrested Youness Ouarrhi who lived in a second floor apartment on three counts of attempted murder and first-degree arson. Three residents jumped from the windows prior to the fire department arriving on scene. Companies remained in service for six hours. Assistant Chief Lutz had command.
On April 10th Engine 126 was alerted to a apartment fire in 21's (Millcreek) local. Qunit 21 arrived to find a working fire. Engine 126 arrived and provided RIT for the incident. The Engine crew provided proactive RIT throwing ground ladders and making sure firefighters on the interior could exit in an emergency. The crew cleared the scene in 45 minutes.
On April 11th Christiana was dispatched to a vehicle crash on Howell School Rd. Chief Reeder arrived and reduced the assignment to Engine 66 and BLS. Shortly after that assignment was reduced a second vehicle crash was received for Chapman Rd and Galleon Dr. Engine 126 arrived to find one person confined. The B post was removed and the driver was transported to Christiana trauma center with Medic 8A. Deputy Chief Smith had command.