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Two Nights of Training - Station 3 and Value City

April 01, 2010

The fire company conducted two training sessions this week. The first was the weekly drill night on Wednesday March 31st at Station 3.The members rotated between three training evolution practical stations. The first training evolution covered forcible entry tools and procedures taught by Deputy Chief Kevin Cowperthwait. The second station was large area searches taught by captain Tony DiVirgilis. The third station involved gaining confidence in switching your empty SCBA air bottle with a full one in zero visibility. This station was taught by Captain Billy Anderson Jr. On Thursday evening April 1st the Christiana and Cranston Heights Fire Companies traveled to the vacant Value City Store on the Kirkwood Highway in Elsmere for fire training. The size of the store provided a great location to train on different evolutions. Search and rescue was taught by captain Tony Divirgilis. Assistant Chief Matt Lutz taught firefighter safety by teaching the firefighters how to breach a wall if they become trapped. Claymont and Elsmere Fire Companies covered Christiana while they were at training.