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Emergency Dial 9-1-1


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Busy Three Days - Christiana

March 26, 2010

On March 23rd at about 2130 CFC ambulance B6 came upon a two vehicle motor vehicle collision that had just occurred at Pulaski Hwy at Governor Square. Units arrived to find one person trapped in a car. The patient was quickly extricated. A second vehicle jumped a curb and traveled down an embankment. A total of three patients were transported to Christiana Hospital. Captain Duca had command. On March 24th Ladder 12 was dispatched to 600 Grantham La in New Castle as the second due Ladder for the report of fire in an industrial building. The Ladder arrived and took a position behind Engine 18. They were ordered to ventilate the building. The orders were carried out. The crew remained in service for four hours. On March 25th at 0151 Ladder 12 was alerted to a apartment fire at the Pine Valley Apts. Ladder 12 arrived to find smoke on the 2nd floor. Crews forced the door and found a small fire in the apartment. The Engine company quickly extinguished the fire. The apartment was search with no findings. The Ladder cleared in about a hour after performing overhaul. On March 25th at 1552 hours Christiana was dispatched to a motorcycle crash at University Plaza Shopping Center. Engine 126, Deputy 12 and Paramedic Sergeant Russ arrived at the same time to find a motorcycle rider severely injured. He was treated and transported to Christiana hospital. B6, Medic 1D and Paramedic Sergeant Dunn transported the patient to Christiana Hospital. On March 25th at 2119 hours Christiana, Engine 32 (Wilmington Manor) Engine 15 (Delaware City) Ladder 28 (Wilmington Manor and Rescue 23 (Minquas of Newport) were alerted to Christiana Falls for a house fire. Engine and Ladder 12 arrived to find smoke coming from a one story house. A supply line was laid and a attack line was advanced. Crews found a fire in the kitchen. Ladder 12's driver performed the outside duties. The interior team search the home with no results. The fire was extinguished and Ladder 12's driver secured the utilities. Assistant Chief Lutz had the commander. He placed the fire under control and units cleared in about one hour and 15 minutes.