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Steady Night for Christiana's Bravest - Multiple Calls
February 23, 2010
During the early morning hours of February 23rd, after running a few fire alarms, Christiana Firefighters along with Wilmington Manor (Engine 32 and Ladder 28) and Delaware City (Engine 15) were dispatched to Milton Place in Cobblestone for a report of a Townhouse fire. Rescue-Engine 126 arrived to find nothing evident from a 2 story middle of the row townhouse; they assumed the first due engine assignment. The crew from 126 investigated a possible fire inside the home’s hot water heater. Rescue-Engine 36 arrived second due and assumed the first due special service assignment throwing ladders and securing the utilities. Command reduced the assignment to 126 and 36 after an investigation proved that the electrical system in the hot water heater had failed, causing the unit to overheat.
Shortly after clearing Cobblestone, Rescue-Engines 36 and 126 were dispatched to assist Aetna (Newark) with a report of a building fire at the Happy Harry's, located on Marrows Road. While units were enroute, fireboard advised they had received one call reporting a possible fire on the roof of that business with no further details. Rescue Engines 33 and 126 arrived first due on sides A and D with fire showing from the roof of a one story commercial structure. Captain 7 and Engine 95 arrived seconds later and assisted with throwing two 24-foot ladders on the "D" side of the building. Crews stretched two attack lines. One of the lines was placed through the front door and the second to the roof. Once crews made access to the roof area, the fire was found to be feeding from a broken gas line attached to an HVAC unit. Remaining crews on the ground shut down the natural gas line and the crews on the roof extinguished the remaining fire.
Crews operated for approximately 45 minutes before turning the scene over to the Delaware State Fire Marshals office.
Photos by Captain Sean Byron and Firefighter Andrew McCracken