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MVC With Possible Entrapment - Rt. 40 and Glasgow Drive
February 14, 2010
On Sunday February 14th at 11:23 AM, Christiana Firefighters along with the Minquas Fire Company of Newport were enroute to a report of a Motor Vehicle Crash (MVC) on Interstate 95 in the area of Christiana Road. While on the road, a second MVC was dispatched for Pulaski Highway at Glasgow Drive with a report of subjects trapped. Christiana Rescue Engines 34 and 126 redirected to the second MVC leaving Rescue 23 to handle the crash on I-95. Prior to arrival, fireboard notified units responding that there was negative entrapment at the Pulaski Highway incident. Both Rescue Engines arrived together finding a three vehicle MVC with one vehicle stuck on a snow bank. BLS unit B-6 transported 1 patient to the Christiana Hospital with minor injuries.