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House fire - Glendale

February 09, 2010

On February 7th at 0354 Christiana Fire Company with Engine 32,Engine 15 and Ladder 28 were alerted for a residential fire in Glendale. Additional reports came into the 911 center stating a person was trapped inside the home. Paramedic 6A, Engine 10,Ladder 15 and Rescue 18 were added to the assignment. Before the arrival of the first Engine the 911 center received a additional report that the resident made it out of the home safely. Engine 12 arrived to find smoke to the floor when they opened the front door. The fire was found and extinguished while the crew from Rescue/Engine 3 conducted the primary search and opened up the home. The resident had escaped the home without injury. The assignment was scaled back after several minutes. Command held Engine 285-32, Ladder 28, Rescue Engine 36 and Engine 12. Those units remained on the scene for about 45 minutes. Assistant Chief Lutz had command.