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MVC - Vehicle Into a Building - Porter Road and Old Porter Road
January 10, 2010
On Sunday January 10th 2010 at 7:32 AM Christiana Firefighters responded to a report of an MVC with one injury at the intersection of Porter Road and Old Porter Road. Ambulance B-6 and Rescue-Engine 34 arrived on location finding a single vehicle that had crashed into a telephone pole before finally coming to rest against a local business, causing damage to the A/B corner of the structure. EMS transported the sole occupant to the Christiana Hospital with minor injuries while Command (Captain Sean Byron) notified Fireboard that 34 was forcing entry into the structure. Command also requested that the County building inspector respond to the scene due to the structural damage that had occurred. The crew from 34 checked the interior of the structure and secured the utilities. The scene was turned over to DSP and command was terminated.
Photos courtesy of Firefighter Andrew McCracken.