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Christiana Covers Bowers Beach - Bowers Beach Fire Company

January 17, 2010

On Sunday, January 10th 2010, Assistant Chief Matt Lutz (6-8B), Captain Sean Byron (3 Captain 2) Firefighter Sonny Atkins and Chauffer Andrew McCracken traveled down state to Kent County to provide a cover up crew for the Bowers Beach Fire Company. Their membership was attending a funeral for one of their own; Past Chief Joseph Giuttari passed away on January 4th, 2010. Past Chief Giuttari was 79 years old. The crew staffed Pumper/Tanker 406 as well as giving their respect by standing on Route 113 with Chief Giuttari's gear while the procession passed from Milford to Barrett's Chapel. The crew would like to thank the Bowers Beach Fire Company for their hospitality along with thanking them again for the use of their Engine 403 while our trucks go through their scheduled maintenance. From the officers and members of the Christiana Fire Company, our thoughts and prayers are with the Bowers Beach Fire Company and the Giuttari family. Photos courtesy of Captain Sean Byron.