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Chimney Fire - Reybold Road

January 02, 2010

(January 2, 2009) – The Christiana Fire Company, Engine 10 (Aetna Hose Hook and Ladder Company) and Engine 15 (Delaware City – Delaware County Engine 63-Green Ridge covering) were dispatched to the unit block of Reybold Road for a dwelling fire. Engine 126 and Ladder 12 arrived on location with fire showing from the chimney. The crew of Engine 126 established a water supply and stretched a 1¾ inch hand line. Ladder 12’s crew laddered the dwelling and went to the roof to use chimney chains to clear the chimney. The first floor and attic were checked for possible fire extension from the chimney with negative results. The fire was placed under control within an hour. Assistant Chief 3-8B Bobby Collins was the incident commander.