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Dwelling Fire - Viollette Drive

December 02, 2009

On December 2, 2009 at 10:17 am the Christiana Fire Company (Stations 3, 6, & 12), Delaware City Fire Company Engine 15 and Wilmington Manor Fire Company Engine 32 and Ladder 28 were dispatched to the 100 block of Viollette Drive for a dwelling fire. Ladder 12 arrived on location with nothing visible and began an investigation. Ladder 12 discovered a fire at the rear of the dwelling that had been contained by the homeowner using a garden hose. A line was stretched off of Engine 6-6 and the rear of the dwelling was overhauled checking for fire extension. Ladder 28 placed a ventilation fan in service. A Fire Marshal was requested. Units cleared the scene in a little over one hour.