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Working Apartment Fire - Cavalier Apartments

November 29, 2009

At 9:16 AM on November 29th the Christiana Fire Company (Stations 3, 6, and 12) along with Minquas Fire Company Engine 23, Millcreek Fire Company Engine 21 and Wilmington Manor Fire Company Ladder 28 were alerted to an apartment fire at the Cavalier Apartments. Because of additional calls reporting fire and smoke showing, an additional Basic Life Support Unit, Medic Unit and a Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) company were added to the response. Engine 126 arrived to find fire showing from the second floor. A line was stretched and the fire was quickly extinguished. The area was searched with negative results. After the building was ventilated, units made themselves available and cleared the scene. Captain Billy Anderson Jr. had the Cavalier command.