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Working Townhouse Fire - Cobble Creek Curve - Stones Throw

October 30, 2009

At 1832 area units were dispatched to the report of a Townhouse on fire. Units responding were advised the 911 center was receiving numerous phone calls reporting fire on the top floor. Engine 3-4 arrived to find a 2 Story Townhouse with fire showing from the "D" side on the second floor. The crew of Engine 3-4 established a water supply and stretched a 2" attack line to the fire building. Deputy Chief Richard Perillo arrived and established command. Engine 12-6 arrived and stretched an additional 1 3/4" line in service. Crews began to extinguish the fire. Wilmington Manor Fire Company Ladder 28 and Engine 32-5 reported to the C/D exposure and began suppression operations in the common attic area. Rapid Intervention Team 23 was staged a the "A" Side and an additional Rapid Intervention Team was placed in staging on the "C'' side. Aetna Hose, Hook & Ladder Company Rescue 8 was assigned to the C/B exposure. Delaware City Fire Company Quint 15-7 reported to the roof. A primary search was conducted on the fire unit and exposure by the operating crews and a secondary was conducted on the entire affected building. All searches reported negative. All units worked for an extended time performing overhaul. During this assignment Holloway Terrace Fire Company Rescue 20-12, and Odessa Fire Company Engine 4 handled two separate trash fires as cover up assignments.