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Working House Fire in Salem Woods - Newark, DE
October 26, 2009
On Monday, October 26, 2009 at 2003 hrs, Stations 3/6/12, 7/8/9/10, 28/32, 15, 18, and 23 were alerted for a working garage fire with extension into the residence in the Salem Woods community off of Salem Church Road. Upon arrival of Ambulance B3, heavy fire was reported from the garage and extending to Delta side of the home. The home was located on the 200 block of Tinsley Court and received heavy damage to both floors, roof, and garage. Rescue Engine 3-4 and Ladder 12 arrived on scene simultaneously within minutes of dispatch due to a full duty crew. Deputy Chief 12 Rich Perillo was apparatus officer of the initial engine crew and established command. Firefighters Brian Hopkins, Justin Kates, and Sonny Atkins advanced the initial 1 3/4" handline, while pump operators Drew McPartland and Frank Sacco established a water supply from a line laid by Rescue Engine 6-6. A primary search was also conducted on the first and second floors of the home simultaneously with handline advancement by Firefighters Jack McPartland, Nate DeCento, Brandon Speakman, Chris Jones and led by Captain Billy Anderson Jr. All crews remained active on scene for approximately three hours. The Delaware State Fire Marshals office is investigating the cause. The Christiana Fire Company thanks all responders involved in the incident for their support. Responding Units:
RE34 RE66 RE64 L12 B3 B6
E93 E82 S7
E324 L28
E155 A15
R23 A23 RIT
L17 Cover at Station 3 E243 Cover at Station 6 S30 Cover at Station 12
Multiple DSFP, DSP, NCCPD units, and Delmarva Power