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Working House Fire in Caravel Farms - Bear, DE

October 13, 2009

On Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at 1613 hrs, Stations 3/6/12, 7/8/9/10, 15, and 1/27 were alerted for a house fire in the Caravel Farms community off of Porter Road. Only minutes after the box alarm was first dispatched, New Castle County Fireboard realerted the incident as a working house fire which added Stations 28/32 for the RIT assignment and cover-up crews from 4/24, 23, and 17. The home was located on the 300 block of Manubay Court and received heavy damage to both floors and the roof. Fire was showing when Rescue Engine 12-6 arrived on scene. Captain Donny Winnington was apparatus officer of the initial crew. Firefighters Jack McPartland, Brian Hopkins, and Sonny Atkins advanced the initial 2" handline, while Firefighter Mark Darling established a water supply with Deputy Chief Rich Perillo at the pump panel. Chief Brian Reeder established command as RE126 and L157 arrived. All crews remained active on scene for approximately three hours. The Delaware State Fire Marshals office is investigating the cause. The Christiana Fire Company thanks all responders involved in the incident for their support. Responding Units: RE126 RE66 RE34 L12 B6 B3 128 E95 E102 E74 A10 E155 L157 A15 R27 E325 RIT NCC M6 NCC ALS22 DSFM FM20 DSFM FM21 L17 Cover at Station 3 E243 Cover at Station 6 E232 Cover at Station 12 Multiple DSFP, DSP, NCCPD units, and Delmarva Power