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2009 Cumberland Valley Volunteer Fireman's Convention - Newark, DE

August 01, 2009

On August 1st 2009, Christiana Fire Company participated in the 2009 Cumberland Valley Volunteer Fireman's Association Convention and Parade in Newark, DE. Both Rescue/Engine 3-6 and Ladder 12 participated. While participating in the convention, both the engine and ladder stayed available to the district and also took in a few runs for Aetna. Thanks to the crews below for getting the trucks polished and Newark Fire Dept. for hosting the convention. RE3-6: CAPT Sean Byron FF Frank Sacco III CAPT Frank Sacco IV FF Jason Sacco FF AJ Eschelweck FF Justin Kates L12: FF Jack McPartland FF Chris Connelly FF Chris Jones FF Sonny Adkins FF Brent Billings