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Working House Fire - 241 Matthew Flocco Dr

July 30, 2009

On July 30th, 2009 at 23:48 hours The Christiana Fire Company (3,6&12) was dispatched to assist Aetna Hose Hook & Ladder (7,8,9&10) of Newark on a Resdiential Fire. 12-6 and 3-6 both made quick responses after dispatch. While units were enroute A-8 went onscene with Heavy Fire Showing. The Box assingment was upgraded and Stations 2&21 were added for the RIT assignment. 12-6 arrived on location under the command of Assistant Chief Lutz. 12-6 layed 800 feet of 5" supply line from the hydrant to the house. 12-6's crew stretched one 2" line to the rear of the residence and one 1 3/4" line to the front. 3-6 and 8-2 arrived onscene and stretched an 1 3/4" line off of 3-6 to the front of the residence also. Fire Suppression was difficult due to the 2nd and 1st floors collapsing into the basement. Crews extinguished all visible fire and Command (Deputy 9) requested Squirt 7 to respond to the scene to flood the basement. Command placed scene under control at 00:30 holding units onscene. Crews cleared at 04:00. Units responding: 12-6, 3-6, 9-5, 8-2, Rescue 8, Squirt 7, 2-7, Cecil County Engine 392, Cecil County Rescue 13, BLS A-8, ALS 21, Medic 2, FM 90. Cover Ups: Squirt 30 at 8, 23-2 at 9 and 16-5 at 12.