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Mutli- Family Residential Fire - 402 Coventry La

July 16, 2009

July 16- At 1537 hours Christiana Fire Company was dispatched for a Multiple Residential Fire at 402 Coventry Lane. As units were responding the fire was re-dispatched with possible subjects trapped. The first unit, 12-6, went on scene with fire showing from the first floor. Captain Don Winnington assumed command. Captain Winnington directed 12-6’s crew to advance a 2 inch line into the fire room while the remainder of the crew completed a primary search of the first and second floors and confirmed nobody was trapped. According to Captain Dave Lux (Div 1) there was heavy fire in the Living Room, Kitchen and Dinette area. Ladder 9’s crew completed a secondary search of the second floor and primary on the third floor. Captain Winnington stated that there weren’t any fire related injuries, but one resident was transported to CER for heat exhaustion. Captain Winnington placed the fire under control with units working at 1606 hours. The apartment sustained heavy fire damage and the second floor had smoke and heat damage. Captain Winnington turned the scene over to the Fire Marshall and Building Management. Additional units responded from: Aetna, Wilmington Manor, Mill Creek (RIT), Minquas, Delaware City, Belvedere, Five Points, and NCC EMS