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2012 Summer Games - Christiana Delaware

June 08, 2012

The 2012 Special Olympics Delaware Summer Games takes place June 8-9 at the University of Delaware. Medical volunteers (doctors, nurses, EMTs, paramedics) are needed to help ensure the safety of the 900 athletes, 300 coaches and over 1,000 volunteers who will be participating in the games. All medical equipment is provided, there is $1 million liability coverage for all volunteers, and you will receive a souvenir T-shirt as a thank-you and a meal if your shift overlaps lunch or dinner. Most of all, you'll get the satisfaction of knowing you made a difference. The shifts last just 4 hours. All you have to do is go online to register. The directions are below. Thanks for considering it. We hope to see you at the games. VOLUNTEER INSTRUCTIONS FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION 2012 Summer Games MEDICAL TEAM VOLUNTEERS 1) Go to the following website: www.sode.org (Note: If you are using Internet Explorer 6 you may experience some line overlaps and text running together) a) Click on the blue “Volunteer” button at the top of the page b) In the blue box on the right side of the screen look for the following statement: “Volunteers directed to this page to register for the 2012 Summer Games, click here.” Click on the word “here”. 2) Read Instructions. 3) Select “Medical Team” from the “Group Name” dropbox. The password is “medical” (all small letters)… don’t hit enter/return go to step 4. 4) Complete the Personal Information and click the checkboxes for the three questions and the General Consent. a) Although we are asking for personal information it will remain confidential and not used to solicit anything from you. It will be used as a contact tool for the event and updates for the event. 5) Click the NEXT PAGE button 6) A list of shifts will appear select the appropriate shift(s) by checking the box next to the line… click all that apply… you can click multiple selections as long as the times do not conflict or overlap. 7) Click SUBMIT and you will come to a page with a confirmation and some event information… at the bottom of the page click FINISH. A confirmation email will be sent to you.