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Captain Speakman Celebrates 20 years with CFC!
May 04, 2022
Congratulations!! Twenty years ago the Christiana Fire Company hired their current most senior career firefighter/EMT, Captain Brandon Speakman! Captain Speakman started with Christiana 20 years ago today and is well known for his deep love for this company. Captain Speakman has been incredibly influential in obtaining a 20 year pension for the career staff at Christiana and getting them in the New Castle County Uniformed Firefighters IAFF Local 4417. Captain Speakman is currently the “A” Platoon shift commander, and like the three other shift commanders he commands a shift of 4 career firefighter/EMTs, 2 career EMTs, a contingent of part time EMTs and volunteer firefighters as they come in and out of the firehouse. Christiana is incredibly proud of our professional and great working relationship between career and volunteer employees, and our model could be a great example for other companies looking to create a functional combination company. Captain Speakman is a veteran of the United States Army, father and a husband! We look forward to another 20 years from Captain Speakman! Congratulations, Brandon! #ChristianaFire